quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011
Who were the Druids?
The best that can be said is that the Druids were members of a high strain of the Celts, who occupied the place of judges, doctors, priests, diviners, magicians, doctors, astronomers, etc.. but it evidently did not constitute an ethnic group in the world Celta. They were mastering the science of crystals. Celtic women enjoyed more rights and freedoms than those of other contemporary cultures, including even the right to participate in battles, and to request a divorce. In this context there women druids. In Druidic culture, so the woman had a role predominant as it was intended as the image of the Goddess. In the religious context the Druids were priests and priestesses dedicated the feminine aspect of divinity, the Mother Goddess worshiping While Mother still admit that all aspects expressed about the Divinity was still imperfect perceptions of the Divine. Thus, all gods and goddesses of the world were nothing more than a single aspect of Being Supreme - whatever its name seen in the human view. The word druid is of Celtic origin, and according to the Roman historian Pliny - the old, it is related to the oak, which in reality was a tree sacred to them. Since the Celtic people did not use writing to convey their knowledge, after the domain of Christianity lost much of historical information of that wonderful civilization and especially those which preceded it since the end of Atlantis, except what remained jealously guarded the records of some orders Initiation, especially the Order of Celtic and Druid Order. For this much of the history of the Druids to date is a mystery to official historians, who know they really existed between the people Celta but who were not born in this civilization. Thus it is imposed question: where they came from the Druids? Are Gods? Or Witches? The little is popularly said about the Druids is based on several legends like King Arthur, where Merlin was a druid. Several scholars have argued that the Druids originally belonged to the pre-Celtic (not Aryan) people of Britain and Scotland. Since Roman times, instigated by Catholicism, culture Druidic was the target of severe repression and unfair, which led to them being deleted any kind of information about her that although the history of Rome stating that Julius Caesar recognized the courage that the druids had in face death in defense of its principles. Druids dominated almost all areas of human knowledge, cultivated music, poetry, had remarkable knowledge of medicine natural, herbal medicine, agriculture and astronomy, and had a advanced philosophical system very similar to the Neoplatonists. The people Celtic had an oral tradition highly, did not use writing to convey their fundamental knowledge, although they allowed an form of writing known as magic runic script. Even without using writing to record their knowledge they possessed sufficient wisdom as to influence other people and thus score deeply into the literature of the time, creating a sort of aura of mystery and mysticism. The Catholic Church, inspired by the Summons, showed great hatred for Druids, who like other cultures, were considered pagan, witch terrible, black magicians who made human sacrifices and other things cruel. In fact none of this corresponds to the truth, because when the first Christians arrived in the region were very well received by because the Celtic tradition says that Joseph of Arimathea disciple of Jesus lived among them and taken there the Holy Grail (the cup used by Jesus at Last Supper). Around this there are many stories, tales, legends and myths especially linked to the court of King Arthur and the Round Table. Are Countless stories, including those relating to King Arthur's Court, where he lived Merlin the magician, and Arthur's half-sister, Morgana, who were Druids. The Druidic religion was actually more an expression of mystical Celtic religion. This was more magic, so popular with forms rituals more rustic and more linked to environmental concerns, the land that was cherished and special. The most popular religious expressions of Celtic Wicca was made up, that Catholicism made efforts to describe how a set of Satanic rituals.